年终总结2016年十大流行语:一、洪荒之力;二、吃瓜群众;三、工匠精神;四、小目标;五、一言不合就XX;六、友谊的小船,说翻就翻;七、供给侧;八、葛优躺;九、套路; 十、蓝瘦,香菇。 老燕子说:做旅游也得有个小目标,不能整日葛优躺,一味等着供给侧,一言不合,友谊的小船说翻就翻,太low!发扬工匠精神,不做吃瓜群众,再深的套路也抵不过蓝瘦香菇的洪荒之力!
For tourism industry you also need a reachable tiny goal. Maybe a lot of "set tricks "on the way, maybe friend"ship" sinks up and down, anyhow just use up your prehistorical powers, throw away your idea pure on supply side! "Ge you slouching", belongs to GeYou, never be your choice, my shattered & champignon!
(责任编辑:Markus) |